Will you join our 100th episode?
Send us a 30-second voice note and you could be on the show.
As we careen into the festive season, we just did some quick calculations and reckon our 100th epsiode of Wicked Problems - Climate Tech Conversations is coming up.
We want to mark the occasion by asking our previous guests, and readers & listeners, to take part by answering two questions:
In 2024, what was a milestone that you think is worth celebrating?
What are you hoping to see in 2025 that keeps you going?
How you answer is up to you. Could be a family milestone, could be you raised an A round, could be you take some hope from seeing someone overcome adversity.
Let’s be honest. It might be nice to buck each other up a bit as we head to the end of this year. A bit of hope and light is what many of us need right now.
But we want to get responses in and group them in a special episode we’ll release before the end of the year. We’ll take some of the most inspiring and entertaining ones that will fit in an episode, and who knows, they might pop up in future episodes.
The easiest way is to send a voice note via WhatsApp (or you can email me). It should include you saying your name, short answers to the two questions, and any other pithy (but short, ideally funny) thoughts.
We’ve grown a lot this year and whether you’re a casual listener or a paid subscriber we’re really chuffed that people have been so generous with their time and welcoming of what we’re trying to do here in this project.
If you want to WhatsApp a voice note, send it to +447307054881. If you’d prefer to email it’s richard.delevan@wickedproblems.uk.
As per usual we’re fortunate that we’ve got stacks of interviews lined up, so if you’re wondering “why isn’t my episode out yet” we appreciate your patience as this young but precocious media startup figures out what it’s going to be when it grows up.
We’re a bit obsessed with the ICJ climate hearings at the Hague at the moment, but I think for understandable reasons. But before the end of year we’ll be putting out a cluster of episodes on the future of the grid, solar radiation management, carbon removals, adaptation, data and climate risk, and - how the way we tell stories about climate and solutions need to change to be effective.
Minnie and Django also appreciate your support.